Friday, 9 March 2018

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Scottrade Financial Services, Inc의 전액 출자 자회사 Scottrade, Inc가 제공하는 중개 상품 및 서비스 - 회원 FINRA 및 SIPC Scottrade Bank, 회원 FDIC가 제공하는 예금 상품 및 서비스. 브로커리지 상품은 FDIC에서 보증하지 않습니다. 예금이나 기타 의무는 없습니다. 은행 및 은행에 의해 보장되지 않습니다 투자 원금의 가능한 손실을 포함하여 투자 위험이 있습니다. 모든 투자 위험을 포함 투자의 가치는 시간이 지남에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다, 당신은 돈을 얻을 수 있습니다. 온라인 시장과 한계 주식 거래는 1 위 가격 이상의 주식에 대해서는 단지 7 개입니다. 1, 뮤추얼 펀드 및 op 미만의 주식에 대해서는 추가 요금이 부과 될 수 있습니다 수수료에 대한 자세한 정보는 설명 PDF에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 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Surefire Trading System과 시스템을 홍보하는 다른 사람들의 주장을 검증하기 위해 검색 엔진을 사용하려했지만, f9d1 거래 시스템이 그렇지 않다는 것을 확실히 알기가 어려웠습니다. 일부 다른 가짜 forex 교사에 의해 또 다른 사기 당신이 가지고있는 정보를 도와주세요 감사합니다. 안녕하세요 Forexnoobtrader, 나는 당신의 의견에 감사 드리며 나는 당신의 사람을 사랑합니다. 그러나 제가 진실을 거부하는 한가지는 저를 사기꾼이라고 부르거나 확실한 마케팅 담당자와 아무런 관계가 없습니다. 나는 아무에게도 가져 가지 않을 것입니다. 하나님의 영광을 위해, 복음주의 드라마 사역에서 인기있는 인물입니다. 나는 복음주의 적으로 수년간의 노동을 망쳐 놓지 않을 것입니다. 당신이 의심의 여지가 성공에 대한 의심을 가지고 있기 때문에 나는 확실한 거래에 도전했다 지금까지, 확실한 사람들은 실제로 내가 한 달 만에 그처럼 놀라운 성공을 이뤄낸 방법을 짐작할 수 없다. 내가 미국인, 일본인, 불가리아 사람에게서 많은 appluads를 받았다. 그리고 나이지리아에서 나이지리아에서 집으로 돌아 간다 나는 단지이 남자와 만나고 싶어하기 때문에 나의 사무실을 찾아 갔던 Abeokuta의 나의 기초 이상으로 손님을 받았다. 누가 F9D1 거래 시스템을 통해 한 달에 2,956의 이익을 올렸 는가? 제발, 너는 모험 방문을 지불하고 F9D1 거래 시스템의 주장을 인증 할 수 있고 내 성실을 의심하는 사람을 비난하지 않을 것이다. 용서하십시오. 주님 께서 저 개월에 성취 시키게 해 주신 것은 논리적으로 불가능합니다. 그러나 당신 편에있는 신과 함께라면, 당신은 불가능한 일을 할 수 있습니다. 하나님의 은혜로, 여기 지구에서 속도를 맞추기 위해, 나는 설정했습니다. 에있는 새로운 기록 forex의 세계, 누구가 그것을 끊을 지 보자, 이제까지 확실한 경연을 시작했기 때문에 아무도 내가 만든 결과를 만들지 못했고 이제 아무도 그것을 깨뜨릴 수 없었다. 내 사무실을 방문 할 수있다. LivingWell E-Business 상담 185, Olabisi Onabanjo Way, Old 7up Depot Iyana 시체실, Abeokuta Ogun State, 나이지리아 전화 2348032470050 Skype - sadedoyin. 마지막으로, 사기꾼은 전체 연락처 주소를 알려주지 않지만, , 적어도 하나는 아님을 말하기 위해 신의 손에 훌륭하게 축복 해 주 시옵소서. 항상 하피 무역을 사랑해. 샘, 나는 너에게 이름을 부르거나 모욕하지 않았다. 내 생각을 다시 읽어야한다고 생각했다. 주장은 사실 너무 좋은 소리 나는 외상 상인으로서, 나는 내 개인 의견에 대한 권리를 가지고 믿습니다 귀하의 외환 거래 실적에 대한 의심의 표현은 당신에게 사기꾼 전화와 같은 것은 아닙니다 .2 나는 두 번째 의견에 대해 물었다. F9D1 Forex Trading System 나는 당신이 fapturbo와 같은 다른 잘 알려진 거래 소프트웨어와는 달리 많은 정보가 없습니다. SureFire Trading System은 F9D1을 소유하고 있기 때문에 시스템의 중요성을 인증하기위한 참고 자료로 사용할 수 없습니다. 온라인 외환 거래자가 여러 명 있습니다. 말하자면 내가 요구 한 것입니다 .3 나는 당신이 제휴사가 모욕적 인 것처럼 들렸다 고 말했습니다. 저는 제 자신이 eToro의 계열사이고, 듣는 것을 좋아하는 사람에게 말할 기회가 없습니다. 이전 의견은 검토 의견으로 들립니다. Surefire Trading Sytem에 대한 질문에 그것이 판매 사본처럼 들리는 이유입니다. 나는이 명확한 설명이 도움이되기를 바랍니다. 확신하는 웹 사이트 외부에 자세한 정보가 있으면 감사하게 생각하고 그들을 확인하십시오. 너의 것, 나는 방문하고 메모를 건네 줄 것입니다. Cheers. If 온라인 거래 기술에 대한 포괄적 인 지식을 얻는 데 관심이있는 경우 forex뿐만 아니라 상품, 글로벌 주식 및 기타 거래 기회 그녀의 정교한 금융 상품 그럼 우리의 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오. 또한, 당신은 우리 플랫폼의 데모 버전을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. Knights 캐피탈은 온라인 거래 혁명을 소개합니다. 나는 완전히 사무엘을 믿습니다. 그래서 나는 하나를 볼 때 악을 압니다. 나는 왕국에 가난한 사람들이 없다. 사람들은 사무엘을 이기기 위해 과감히 행동해야한다. 그는 자신의 영혼에 감탄한다. 사무엘을 의심하고있다. 잃어버린 자들을 잃어버린 자들에게 잃어버린다. 그리고 didnt는 그것을 포기했다 나는 오늘 밤에 거의 포기한 승자의 정신, 그러나 당신의 간증을 읽는다 Samuel, 나는 그것을 움직이게하기 위해 뒤로 헤딩하고있다라고 생각한다 최고는 무서워하는 누구나에게 높이의 무서워하지 않기 위해 말하지 않기 위해있다. , 그 용감에 대한 나는 확실히 당신을 하나님 감사합니다, 그것을 만든 사람이 있어요. 만약 당신이 너무 많은 forex에서 잃을 생각, 이것에 대해 생각하면 당신은 당신이 반대 무역을 배치하면 너무 많이 얻을 수 있습니다 잘못된 선택을했다. 올바른 선택을 할 수있다. 그리고 항상 같은 시간 내에 모든 셀러를 두 배나 잃어 버리는 데 걸리는 시간을 보냈습니다. Blog Farming은 블로그를 단지 3 5 개의 게시물로 구성하고 Google 애드 센스를 추가 한 다음 현금을 생성하기 위해 품질의 백 링크를 만드는 데 집중합니다. 거의 자동 조종사에. 나는 가수 가수와 작곡가를위한 블로그를 만들려고 생각하고있다. 그러나 나는 많은 포럼이있는 지 정말로 알지 못한다는 사실에 방해가된다. 블로그는 백 링크를 만들 수있는 틈새에있다. 이 페이지는 집에서 편안하게 책을 읽으면서 집으로 갔다. 웃음을 터트 리며 웃었다. Na wa 오. 이 요점을 종교로 받아 들여라. 개인적으로 나는 교회에 가고 싶지 않다. 나는 사람들을 조심한다. 종교 카드. Somtochukwu 누가 사업에서 100 만명 이상을 잃고 아직도 일을 계속하려고 노력하고 있습니다. Una dey 국민 케이크를 먹지 마라. Haba Na wa oh. forexnoobtrader 나는 똑같은 생각을하고 Bro Te가이 말을 통해 코멘트를 허용 한 이유에 대해 궁금해하고있었습니다. 순수 판매 사본이 가득 차 있었고 아무도 나를 믿을 수 없게 만들었습니다. chukwudi 나는 방문자가 적어도 그러한 샘플을 볼 수 있도록 코멘트가 허용되어야한다고 느꼈다. 누군가가 여전히 그 또는 그녀가 그런 판매 대화에 가입 할 필요가 있다고 느낀다면 그 게시물을 읽은 후에 아무도 잘못이 없다. 현명한 사람이라면 한 마디만으로도 충분합니다. 나는 교육적인 목적으로 만 건배를하도록 허락하지 않은 주장을 추천하거나 추천하지 않습니다. NaijaEcash 나는 많은 추측을합니다. 매월 50,000 원을 만들면 기뻐할 수 있겠습니까? 돈은 2 개월마다 2 배가됩니다. 10,000으로 시작해서 백만장자가 될 수 있습니다. 정확히 13 개월. 엄청나게 100,000으로 시작하면 거기에 7 개월이나 500 분의 미니 계정으로 2 년 만에 백만장자가 될거야. 내가 한 달에 900 명이 넘는 상인이 있다고 말하면, 잠깐, 내가 너의 세계를 흔들어 줄까. 만약 내가 너에게 말한다면 그는 2000 년에 한 달을 확인한이 상인입니다. 그는 매일 거래하는 진짜 사람입니다. 그는 토목 기사로서 정규직에서 은퇴했습니다. 그는 사실상 거래에 대한 독특한 견해를 가지고 있습니다. 어떻게 완료되었는지에 대한 규칙을 변경했습니다. 이 시스템들은 모두 검증되었습니다. 이 시스템들 각각은 훌륭합니다. 그러나 나이지리아 시스템 외환 거래자 뒤에있는 사람을 더욱 매력적으로 여깁니다. 그리고 그는 어떻게 당신에게 말할 것입니까? 그는 그것을 했어 왜냐하면 그는 단지 평범한 피 시장을 거래하는 독특한 방법을 생각해 낸 사람 나는 내 엉덩이를 밖으로 일할만큼 운이 좋았다. 그리고 나는 너에게 말할 수있다. 그것은 위대한 일이다. 그것은 일종의 거래 도전이 forex에서 무엇에 관한 것인지를 설명하고 당신은 최선을 얻는다. 최고의 시스템 결과 당신이 무엇을하는지 알고 있다면 당신은 포럼 전략에서 아무런 해결책도 얻지 못하지만 깊은 이해와 자기 연구로 이익을 낼 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트와 당신이 돈을 벌 수있는 방법에 대해 준비한 다른 것들을 방문하십시오. Forex 일 무역. Michael Abubakar는 나이지리아에있는 forex 상인 및 30 일에있는 2 307,78 순수한 이익으로 당신이 이제까지 얻을 당신이 이제까지 얻는 제일 통보의 30 분 이상 당신에게주고, 당신이 지금하고있는 무엇을 아마 증명할 것이다 틀렸어. 너는 너를 어떻게 겪어 왔는지 말할 수있을거야 너는 진짜를 알아. 마이클이 그 열쇠를 들었어. 다른 것에서 나온 것, 너 대부분이 외환업자라고 부르는 것보다 바빠. 나는 완전히 꽉 쥐고있어. 근무 시간은 줄었지만 여전히 집중하기 위해 은퇴했다. 2000 년에 만들어진 최고의 거래 시스템 중 하나를 생산합니다. 모든 것이 하나의 것을 증명하기 위해갑니다. 훌륭한 상인이되기 위해 특별한 선물을 가지고 있지 않아도됩니다. 매번 거래하는 실제 사람들의 말을 들어야합니다. 하루 정보의 출처가 신뢰할 수 있는지 확인해야하며, 방금 계정을 확인한 사람의 말을 듣는 것보다 더 좋은 방법은 없습니다. 내가 그 사람을 안다고 인정하는 사람이라는 사실에 주목하십시오. 모든 답변, 그리고 여전히 메신저 나는 여전히 좋은 시스템을 가지고 있지만 여전히 앞서 보인다. 나는이 시스템을 드러내기로 결정했다. 릴리스를위한 최종 준비가 거의 끝났고, 라이브와 데모가 fx에 연락하는 방법을 테스트했다. michael on 2348055047313.CONTACT FX MICHAEL ON ONE ON ONE TRAINING TEACHINING YOU HOW YOU CAN BE EARNING ABOVE 2000 MONTHLY BACK UP WITH A FULL GURANTEE OF SUCCESS CALL 08055047313.CONTACT ME ON MANAGING YOUR FUND WITH 40 MONTHLY INTEREST. IMPOWER YOURSELF AS A FOREX TRADER READIN G GREAT MENTORS BOOKS PLEASE VISIT. Let s take stock of the wonders of God, in forex business in my life in 2009.To the glory of God, the Lord has made a blessing in this forex business. First, through the help and favor of the most high, I topped a world forex championship with an unimagineable records of 2,956 16 profit in one month, check the forex contest organiser website for real. Secondly - From one room apartment, the good Lord moved to a little palace. Thirdly - The Lord through the forex business blessed me with a car. Fourtly - The Lord turned me from being a begger to a giver. Fiftly - To the glory of God today o, I buy whatever I want to buy with ease, struggling is completly out of my life for ever. Lastly - I met with new-big people in the society. All the above didnt drop like magic, but through patience and persistence plus God s mercy I became what am today in the world of forex Am waiting for the time you will spell out your testimonies soon, because you are the next to testify A nyone reading this, forex had ruined me in the past, but God has used the same forex to raise me and make me reign in the kingdom of this business If you need a counsel or mentoring in this business, please feel free to contact me on 2348032470050 or skype sadedoyin. You are blessed, because you are a blessing to your world. from Samuel Adedoyin the maker of F9D1 trading system and the winner of surefiretradingchallenge. People just have to be daring to win Samuel was, and he has won I admire your spirit Samuel If you are out there doubting him, ask those that lost how much they lost and gave up Samuel lost over a million and didnt give up That s the spirit of a winner. i believe you samuel i won the october 2009 surefire trading challenge with over 11000 thats all i have to say omotade olugbenga adegoke surefire trading. Hello Mr Omotade Adegoke. Could you please send me your phone number as I would like to discuss something that would be beneficial to us both. Stella Samuel won the Surefire Trading Challenge more than once It is a true system that I ve traded myself, and is profitable. Rather than putting others down why don t you try out the system first then comment on it. You can find the system at Traders Secret Library You have to pay a monthly fee However, you can cancel your membership at anytime. Hello Omotade adegoke, i need your phone number There is something very personal i would like to discuss with you Kindly send your number to. How much money should you have in your FOREX account in order to earn an income Jack s last blog post USD CHF Daily Free signals Tuesday 15Jun10.Guy wake up to information we are making the money forex trading is real. Pal, I m already awake Nobody is disputing the fact that online forex trading is a money maker So what is new that you want to share with us Are you a FX trader. Yes i m FOREX TRADER TO THE CORE BUT DON T LET ME BOOST you can know my profile from Please, Samuel is not a real trader is foolling pple and make money foolling t hem yes please look at our discussion on 21st June, 2010 around 2am mid Night on Skype 00 31 37 Olafimihan Folarin I Trade forex too With my Locally dveloped code 00 59 56 sadedoyin sadedoyin has shared contact details with Olafimihan Folarin 01 00 11 sadedoyin ok 01 00 27 Olafimihan Folarin HELLO SADE 01 01 38 Olafimihan Folarin how are u 01 02 26 sadedoyin am fine and you 01 03 18 Olafimihan Folarin kool 01 03 28 Olafimihan Folarin fx trader are 01 03 54 Olafimihan Folarin what part of the world are from 01 04 11 sadedoyin am a Nigerian 01 04 21 sadedoyin just like you 01 04 49 Olafimihan Folarin how do u know i m a Nigerian 01 05 26 sadedoyin you are based in ikeja 01 05 53 Olafimihan Folarin Yes info from my skype profile i think 01 06 33 sadedoyin yesssssssssss 01 07 10 Olafimihan Folarin to biz 01 07 20 sadedoyin ok 01 07 31 Olafimihan Folarin how long have u been trading I started in 2006 01 09 16 Olafimihan Folarin do u sell your trading system or you manage fund 01 10 52 Olafi mihan Folarin do u sell your trading system or you manage fund 01 14 53 sadedoyin I manage fund for people and also sell my trading system 01 15 03 Olafimihan Folarin ok 01 15 24 Olafimihan Folarin can i see ur trading statement to start with 01 18 03 Olafimihan Folarin can i see ur trading statement to start with 01 22 35 sadedoyin what do you in forex, do you run a fund management company 01 23 31 Olafimihan Folarin Yes and I sell my Locally developed EA to individuals and fund manager who cares to get it 01 23 52 sadedoyin ok 01 24 27 sadedoyin what exactly do you want us to do together 01 25 22 Olafimihan Folarin I just love sharing experince only I use my software i don t buy from others 01 26 36 Olafimihan Folarin but firstly, I love to know d stand of whom i m chatting with by seeing their trading syayement and i send my own too 01 26 55 sadedoyin ok that is great, just like what I said my trading system is for sale, so if you would want to see it, you will have to order for it and buy at 200 01 27 36 Olafimihan Folarin I don t buy what i don t know how it is working 01 28 12 sadedoyin how did you get my contact 01 28 22 Olafimihan Folarin show me your statement of the account is have traded 1st not to buy you are talking to 4years trader 01 28 47 Olafimihan Folarin if you care to see mine i will give you 01 29 09 Olafimihan Folarin i get to know u from one site like that 01 30 04 Olafimihan Folarin show me your statement of the account is have traded 1st not to buy you are talking to 4years trade 01 30 18 Olafimihan Folarin if you care to see mine i will give you 01 30 29 Olafimihan Folarin i get to know u from one site like that 01 31 02 sadedoyin oh, thanks so much 01 31 31 Olafimihan Folarin I get to know you from here 01 31 43 sadedoyin ok 01 32 33 Olafimihan Folarin Do you have a web site of your own 01 34 20 sadedoyin yes i do, but it is under construction, i call it by the grace of GOD, we shall chat later when I have free time You are wonderful and I appreciate you 01 36 55 Olafimihan Folarin Well, next time but first thing is not to BUY, 1sting is see my RESULT when next u are free you can ask for my result as at when i m talking with u I can provide my result of my software 01 37 13 sadedoyin am offering a 5day free signal, so, if you are interested pls let me know 01 37 26 sadedoyin it starts today till friday 01 38 06 sadedoyin you are blessed 01 38 44 Olafimihan Folarin I don t trade signal and I don t believe in free thing What I needed is your trading result first 01 42 37 sadedoyin pls be cool, calm and be patient in words my result may blow a lot of suprises in you I will let you into it very soon 01 43 00 Olafimihan Folarin ok sir 01 43 28 sadedoyin you are blessed sir 01 44 35 Olafimihan Folarin that is what am after real biz not preamble I hve met a lot of traders like u sir 01 47 21 sadedoyin by the grace of GOD, am a diffrent and unique individual, pls do not easily conclude on a man that you have not dealt with And the fact that you have met diff pple who are traders in the past doesnt mean they are like me 01 48 51 Olafimihan Folarin ok 01 50 43 Olafimihan Folarin I agreed but as a trader that speak with confident it deosn t cost u 1 minute to proof your self than to first say BUY my product send to me you trading result and i m ready to pick your system if i m convinced do u wich to check mine 01 53 26 Olafimihan Folarin check one of my account out if you want more let me know 01 53 42 Olafimihan Folarin sent 01 55 02 sadedoyin no, i dont need yours, well what you said is the fact, but not an absolute truth Wait a minute, am going to send the trading result of a contest that made the winner of a world forex contest last year To the glory of GOD, I made over 2,956 profit in one month and here the trading ststement 02 01 16 Olafimihan Folarin i m waiting 4 d statement pls 02 01 31 sadedoyin ok 02 02 04 sadedoyin sent 02 04 44 Olafimihan Folarin Shame on you samuel Never show this to people that k now what they are doing you can show it to a gullable people who want to be full that they can make money from your system 02 04 47 Olafimihan Folarin You are not serious at all if you are a trader why last year why not today s statement since last year you have stop trading or what never full yourself you are dealing everyday trader not last year trader like u ok and i m very sure u are giong to show me DEMO like your other mate the statement I sent to you is one week statement including today as we are chating ok not even last month LIVE trade ok 02 06 16 sadedoyin thanks for the comment and compliments 02 06 29 Olafimihan Folarin You are trading 50lots 100lots and to finished it DEMO ACCOUNT 02 06 45 Olafimihan Folarin Stop fulling people 02 07 00 sadedoyin ok sir 02 07 38 Olafimihan Folarin I show my client LIVE account not DEMO ok 02 08 00 sadedoyin ok sir 02 08 11 Olafimihan Folarin and I show them instant statement not one year back 02 08 22 sadedoyin ok sir 02 08 35 Olafimihan Folarin we are here to learn from each other 02 08 44 sadedoyin ok sir 02 09 34 Olafimihan Folarin be kool more grease to you elbow I will tell your people online my discovery about you 02 09 56 sadedoyin ok sir 02 10 37 Olafimihan Folarin But keep it mind i m your friend no matter what either genue or fake both of us are trader 02 12 07 sadedoyin ok sir, and thanks for extending your hands of friendship 02 12 20 Olafimihan Folarin you are welcome 02 12 29 Olafimihan Folarin Bro samuel right 02 13 03 Olafimihan Folarin this is my site 02 13 37 Olafimihan Folarin I have sold my system for one fund manager in Marina in Lagos 02 13 51 sadedoyin ok sir 02 14 19 Olafimihan Folarin but i don t tell people to BUY They buy when they see result 02 14 29 sadedoyin ok sir 02 15 05 Olafimihan Folarin good rest, and blessed week ahead of us in Jesus Name 02 15 23 sadedoyin amen sir 09 17 55 Olafimihan Folarin Gud morin my pal 09 19 15 sadedoyin good morning sir 09 19 50 Olafimihan Folarin I can see u are working Hard 09 20 06 sadedoyin yes sir 09 21 25 Olafimihan Folarin I too not relent research never stop, hope still functioning Dreams will never die in Jesus name 09 21 55 sadedoyin amen sir 09 23 23 Olafimihan Folarin wish forum is good that you can recommend for me i need to see what pple are promosing the fellow nigerians 09 35 53 Olafimihan Folarin wish forum is good that you can recommend for me i need to see what pple are promosing the fellow nigerians You see Nigerians are gullible so much how can someone tell you he make over 2000 return on an investment in just one month in one stupid competition and you believed him and pple are praising them Look Samuel can t proof to me that is not one of the pple that bastardized forex business by the grace of God, God will expose all of them by the grace of Almighty God He Show me 2009 statement of the stupid competition which is 1 DEMO ACCOUNT 2 TRADING RESULT IS NOT REALISTIC TO TRADE ON LIVE ACCOUNT IMAGINE HIM USING 50LOTS, 10 0LOTS AND EVEN 1000LOT SIZES ASK HIM TO USE IS IT ON HIS HARD EARN MONEY TO TRADE LIKE THIS 3 HE IS BOOSTING OF 2009 RESULT DID HE STOP TRADING AFTER HE WON THE STUPID COMPETITION WHY CAN T HE SHOW ME MAY 2010 RESULT I SHOW PPLE MY RESULT REAL TIME AS I M CHARTING WITH THEM. Nigerians think wake up from from greed that make you become GAMBLER and at the end gambler will always become a BIG LOSERe let reason together Nigerian Banks promised their investors 3 return on their Fixed deposit Yearly If you see a system promising 3 monthly is reasonable Investor build their wealth from time to time but Gambler think of acquired wealth over night and they eventually become a BIG LOSER. Hmnn I guess it is Samuel Adedoyin s turn to defend himself I ve seen so many praising him as a forex guru Over to you Samuel NOTE I purposely left the comment above unedited spelling mistake etc I just want to be an unbias umpire Let the truth come forth. I m not a grammarian if that is the Criteria for your forum Tell Samuel to deny the above conversation 1st and tell him to show the entire forum the statement of his trade for the month of June 2010 I m ready to send mine and stand by it to defend it as well. Folarin, I didn t mean to paint your comment in a bad light You already made your position clear in your comment However, I needed to put that NOTE in my last comment because some readers will be upset that I am a bad blogger who doesn t correct obvious spelling or grammatical error I needed to give a reason for leaving the comment exactly the way you sent it This post is about FOREX TRADING, not about queen s English S there is no reason to get offended by my statement We are still waiting for Samuel Adedoyin or any of his friends to respond to your comments If they don t then we will assume that all you said is true Thanks for expressing your thought without reservations Cheers. Hi tony, I don t want a situation that me and Samuel will be exchanging words All I want is known the truth 1 A s a trader He should present less than 24 hrs trading LIVE statement that is not DEMO 2 The skype Discussion above should deny it then I m done Tony A lot of pple have died for losing all they have work for They commit suicide Fake forex trader are Murderer Simple They should go to God and ask for 4giveness I show less than 24 hrs trading result to my client not 2009 not even may result as a trader you must have at worst on week recent trade why a year or 2yrs result and the result is DEMO Sun-fire group also encourage duping with their stupid competition If your system is ok Put your money on the line Let us know who is who in the turbulent Market Period. Am clearly responding to this comment not because am intersted to answer Folahan neither am I in any way looking for a platform to defend myself Of a truth Folahan and I chat just like any other person via skype And because of the comment he made about me, i wont bend my principle just to satisfy him I only reveal my live statement to my staff and that is my firm principle, and i think he should respect that No matter what anybody is offering me, I repeat I don t reveal my live statement oooo get that into your skull, In the past I had had people who wants my live acct statement and I said NO to me as civilisied human being, that ordinarily shouldnt raise any dust, the best that will happen is that you won t do business with me, and take your business to other traders who are willing to show their live statement, we must not forget in a hurry, that past performance in forex does not guarantee future profit I think there is more to what the eye can behold in this case, I enjoy it very well when people criticise me, i don t feel offended at all Take your time and go through our chart again, the moment, Folahan called me names, you will find out, my response was ok sir, or yes sir Wisdom tells me to speak I never knew Folahan from Adam, no serious business deal between us, and all you asked for is my live acct stateme nt, am not gullible To the glory of God, I have a live acct with Alpari UK Initially, I had wanted to keep mute because am too focused to be distracted I am not under any obligation to be answerable to Folahan or his comment about me Calling me a fake trader that was his personal opinion and am not moved by that Before the end of last month, I started a free forex signal for traders, and within 8days we made over 400pips, pls verify from forexafricana group on facebook I have no issues with him, he is so full of himself Well, maybe he thinks running me down simply because I refused to show my live statement will get him popular in the palace of forex Time shall tell From this forum, there are members who had my house contact, and my office contact, there are traders who had visited me in my house and slept in my house in the past, if i was a fake person, i doubt it, if I will let pple know me Please am too young to be old, am very focused, and i will not be forced to bend my principle Thanks He only knew me for just 59minutes, and after that he made a conclusion about my person. Well, no matter how Samuel will still get people that will be his followers But WE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND TRUTH WILL SET US FREE How on earth that you will claim to be a trader and your result will become a masquerade that people cannot see your recent trading result My trading result is available to anybody anytime 100 sure of what i m doing. Its interesting reading tru the comments and the dispute between Sam and Fola I have Sam s trading system and that of those who took part in the competition and more recently Udoji and co My take on the systems is that they are not as fantastic as SUREFIRE the organizers of the competition want us to believe, but that is not to say that they are not good One thing people must understand is that any average system will work in the forex market, what many people lack is DISCIPLINE, PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY in following their system and if they will learn to put their emotions under check which is one the most difficult aspect of forex Many people want quick money and they think the forex business is the solution Forex involves serious hard work Sam and Fola are both right in the sense that they are entitled to their opinions I trade forex and i run a one year mentoring programme for the unemployed around me and for those who want to learn, i don t have to show my life account to anybody What i do is to invite you to my trading room for a day or two to see me and those i m mentoring trade and you will be left to decide whether to take up forex as a business I don t sell my system because i don t believe a system is all it takes to make it in the forex business The point i m trying make is that there in no one method that is all in this business, you just have to find what is good and working for you and stick to it no matter what, because there will be draw downs difficult times For those who are doing well like Sam and Fola, i challenge you to find ways you can impact those around you with the knowledge you have for, i seek to empower the unemployed around me by mentoring them and setting them up after one year. What Most Nigerian lack is a simple truth in doing biz those that have quick knowledge are ready to quickly exploit those that patronized them between 2006 till date among those that shout on radio and Television how many of them perform after collecting hard earn money from their patronizers God will save us Before I discuss with anybody is a Must for me to see your live account period. I have never paid for a seminar and don t intend to You can t learn to trade forex in a one or two weeks best way to check those who exploit others is for those who know to impact those around them The biggest challenge i have come to see is that many people are looking for easy ways to make money without the readiness to pay the price of hard work I have seen accounts edited to suite the purpose of marketing a your knowledge a vailable to those around you as long as they are ready to learn and go all the way. You ve just said it Nothing good comes easy If anyone considers Online Forex Trading as a business, then such a one should be willing to pay the price of hard work It is only in gambling and lottery that one can expect to get result without doing any hardwork So, I guess those who stay all day in their pajamas expecting others to do the hard work for them are simply equating FX trading to gambling No wonder they often get swindled. This thread is so interesting that i could not resist joining in. the FOREXHERO, i share your views about impacting your immediate environment with your skills and talents i e making a contribution to society I m curious though, where do you hold the said training you talked about in your previous post. I have a trading room and its open from 7am to 5pm, mondays to fridays I m in benin city. Forex trading takes patience, discipline and hard work like anything else in life If you e xpect it to be easy, it would end up being hard for you, but if you are prepared to do the work in advance, it would end up becoming easier for you. All I know is that Trading FOREX never stop one from doing other biz By having something along side help a lot you will not make a deadly move in the market to make more money FOREX Market cannot be intimidate I Trade all day yes My software runs from January to Dec While I do my Day Job I use VPN close to my broker so that I can benefit from good LATENCY of 100ms My IT Job couple with what I study in Higher institution helps me a lot as a Maths Statistician I use just basic Arithmetic Approach to make money every day without sitting down for just one minutes a day When I hear some Nigeria discourage their fellows from using software I lough because 85 Manual Trader are the people wasting People s Money out there I run my software on DEMO Account from Jan 2009 to Dec 2009 it gives me 75 return No Bank can ever do that Nigeria Bank stick to 3 per Ann-um now Since January 2010 the said software is running on LIVE account in 7 months it gives 40 28 return What else do I need from God I still make earning from my day Job as an IT personnel what else. I sorry for Manual trader even if they make 100 return yearly, they have forgetting one thing that most of their nerves were seriously wounded while trading they can dies easily when they experience shock. am a trader with fxopen ac num 196518 the truth is forex trading lazy mind is like trying to be a doctor, you go tru a process hav been trading 4 about 3 years now i lose i gain but 4 the first time ill lioke to give a clue to trading daily fibonacci anybody who knows what fibonacci means will be able to triunph in forex tradin quote me somebody once sain in a forum like this fxfisherman that if you know what works iin forex trade you ll not want to share it on air dat is true d reason why i will not want do so myself but i ll like every body to, fibonacci is use in evry part of life from the plant to our dna read more on it apply it to what you know and i bet it is the ultimate you dont have to trust me i just feel like writting 4 d firs t time in any forum in my 3 year of learning and trading call 08023188158 am not selling anything. Folarin, How do you expect someone to show you his live account It is either you are interested or not And there is no amount of money you make that you ll say is become rich, you have to convince someone to bring out money from his pocket some might call it a scam but look at it this way, Is it a scam when a country imposes tax on its citizens The fact is that they provide goods and services, but most citizens would not be satisfied with it They think they are being exploited. Don t try to scorn an attempt of someone trying to do s not about been s about been the fools that think that they are scammed would wake up one day and start thinking like business is part of business a hard truth, there must be profit, and finally Legitimacy. You made me laugh Don t try to scorn an attempt of someone trying to do not about been about been the fools that think that they are scammed would wake up one day and start thinking like business is part of business a hard truth, there must be profit, and fin ally Legitimacy If I don t make a mistake you are business man INDEED. My primary Job is ICT I trade fx with my own money rather than keep it in bank, and I trade for people as well One year no single loss but still if anybody demand for my LIVE trading result I don t hesitate to send it to the I manage account for Nigerian who are abroad through seen my trading result But if I were those newbies no result I can t give you my money period I used software developed by me here in Nigeria. i learnt forex last year but i have problem starting my own forex account, if anyone is intrested i can manage peoples accont on their behalf and i have a rpbot e-mail is. Today s Stock Market News Analysis. Real-Time After Hours Pre-Market News. 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